Happy New Year hd wallpaper 2015I worked on my vision board over the weekend and found a quote that struck a chord with me and it may for you as well, “If at some point you don’t ask yourself, ‘What have I gotten myself into?’ then you’re not doing it right.”

Why did this hit me like a bolt of lightning? Because with every challenge I face there is a window of time when I ask myself this very question. It used to scare me because it gave me pause, thinking perhaps I was on the wrong path or had bitten off more than I could chew. These days I am more comfortable with the question, knowing it is the beginning of something, the before stage, when I have not yet met my goals and everything is yet to be.

The beauty of getting older is wisdom begins to prevail and we have enough past experiences to know what we are made of and that despite some nagging questions, we are ready, willing and able to move forward and conquer our doubts with action. After all, the best anecdote I know for fear is action. Just do something productive, keep moving and things begin to happen. It’s all about energy.

For me, I love the new year, but there is a part of entering January that gives me pause. I ask myself, what will I do differently this year that builds on last year, yet moves me beyond my current comfort zone? 2015 in particular I wonder how to balance learning and growing my coaching practice while also taking time to lighten up and have some fun? Fun is prominent on my board because with all my recent schooling and certifications, the workhorse in me got into overdrive and I need to now have the wisdom to pull back the reigns enough to enjoy the journey more and not feel it’s a race. Does this sound familiar?

A work-life-fun fit is my vision for 2015 and what I’ve gotten myself into is committing to owning fun as part of the unfolding story of what makes me a better wife, mother, friend and professional. What are you retrofitting into your vision? Half the fun is getting there, so plan accordingly.