Repacking for the New Journey Ahead

201109-a-insider-man-suitcase I often work with clients who are in the second half of life, looking for ways to reinvent themselves while preserving who they are already. I call it re-launching life through leveraging past, present and future. It’s fun work, re-imagining possibilities and supporting what’s next.

For me, one of the most compelling aspects of scaffolding together a new chapter is what we have to give up to make room for anything new to take hold. In the insightful book Life Reimagined by Richard Leider and Alan Webber, this action is called repacking, which asks “What are the essentials for the next phase of the journey?” Defining what is essential is personal and not one size fits all, that’s what makes each journey unique and meaningful.

Deciding on these essentials involves reflection and discernment, followed by action. Deep within us we know what we need to let go of to move forward, so we can make the wisest choices about how we spend our limited time in the second half. [Read more…]