Time Management is Energy Management

Think about your relationships, your environment, work, money and self-care. What areas in your life feel like they need to be reevaluated? Ask yourself whether there are there key people in your life who continuously drain your energy? Is your home cluttered and disorganized? Would you like to work out more, but never seem to have the time? Do you need to delegate specific tasks but feel unable to let go of control? Do you have debt that needs to be paid off? Many of these questions will not apply to you, but there may be a few that hit a cord and are taking up your mental energy, unconsciously zapping you of your best self. Even eliminating one energy drain from this list will boost your vitality many fold.

For a week try keeping track of an energy log, scaling from 1-10 how you feel during key times in each day. Mix up the times and make sure you identify various activities, people you come in contact with regularly, and other data that may be helpful (Are you hydrated? Have you just eaten a heavy meal?) The log will help you learn more about how you use your time and where you feel depleted and when you are naturally energized. Hopefully once armed with more knowledge you can modify and do more of what is most energizing and revitalizing.

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