Vision Boards are a Mirror to What’s Next

7973761_f520“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”   ~The Summer Day, by Mary Oliver

It’s December and ‘tis the season…to set intentions and envision your wild and precious year ahead with a vision board. There is power to it. I know first hand when I look at previous boards and see what has become: My first trip to Africa, hatching a new career, getting fit with a boot camp workout, finding joy on an electric bike, watching dawn break more often; breathing more life into life.

This annual ritual begins in December when I start collecting images and words that speak to me. I get a file folder and keep it handy so anytime I see a quote, an image or something that feels like it could be part of my future, it goes in one place for safe keeping. I collect magazines, quotes from books, old calendars, cool paper and even shells or artful stickers—anything that helps tell my unfolding story.

Think about areas in your life that you may want to focus on more in 2015: health, fitness, personal relationships, your children, career, finances, school, travel, leisure time, the arts, a hobby, volunteer opportunities, a spiritual quest, or perhaps something on that bucket list? The list is endless. [Read more…]