“Do the Opposite and See How That Feels…”

The truth is, what got me to this point in life (driving hard) isn’t necessarily the best approach to take as I look ahead. As with most changes, it starts with a seed of self-awareness and grows when deeper truths are revealed. As you think about your own hardwiring, ask yourself:

  • What are my patterns when it comes to something that challenges me?
  • Am I generally self-assured or lack confidence when accomplishing goals, big and small?
  • Have I begun to outgrow my patterns and looking for other approaches?

Studies show that self-efficacy is the key difference between those people who accomplish their goals and those who fail. Yes, high self-assurance is helpful, but only when they are aligned with compatible values and priorities. So you when push comes to shove, you know whether to burn the midnight oil and or kick back and call it a day.

After all, we have to choices to make with our time and talent (not to mention tingly arms, courtesy of the Pointer Sisters!)


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